Saturday, February 22, 2020

Globalization and Internationalism After the Cold War Assignment

Globalization and Internationalism After the Cold War - Assignment Example Globalization has brought the world nation together since there is understanding of their differences. There is free open trade that ensures export and import of goods and services in all parts of the world (Lehmann, 45) After the end of the cold war there were many activities that were to foster international relations amongst the warring nations. The world super powers were the main protagonists in the internationalism agenda spearheaded by the United States. According to Lehmann78,The ideal of most internationalists after the cold war was to establish a world government through democratic globalization. There was formation of international organizations, such as European Union and United Nations, which were to oversee superior international relations governed by same rules. There was a lot of resistance from the nations that were not included in the organizations since they felt that they were discriminated. The leaders of these organizations were drawn from the super power nations, which made them have a lot of control over the entire globe (Lehmann,

Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Purpose of Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Purpose of Religion - Essay Example It is hard to find out the essence of the religion, but it is rather interesting to make an attempt to interpret its meaning and purpose for people. Further discussion is limited by terms of Abrahamic religions and Dharma religions. But before we start our discussion, it is interesting to discuss the role and purpose of religion as a universal phenomenon. For the majority of people, religion was invented for intimidation of people, their self-organization. Basically, religion is a limiting factor of our lives. Still, an initial intention of religion should not be sought in its purpose to oppress people, because the core issue of religion is enlightenment and steering people onto the right path. Therefore, it is better to consider the purpose of religion from a more humane perspective. Religion facilitates our physical pain and spiritual wanderings; our grief and sorrow are diminished once we appeal for God. Moreover, we often go to church looking for redemption. Our daily blames and faults are facilitated in church or even when we appeal for God inside of us. When we think that God has forgiven our faults us, we feel much better. What is even more interesting is that through redemption we transform our faults and sins in our strengths. Thus, the purpose of religion is to assist us in our lives, to help and save our souls from grief and sorrow. Religion makes our lives better for sure. It is necessary not to look for its essence, but just believe in God and salvation. Abrahamic vs Dharmic religions Still, why do not all people believe in one God? Or maybe we believe in one God, but it has different appearances? The emergence of different religions is the reflection of the na tions’ peculiarities. Every nation wants to believe in the most appropriate spiritual power for them. People look for a spiritual contact between God and an individual in the religion. Thus, it is necessary to take into account individual’s peculiarities before creating the most ideal God for oneself. A split of religion into Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) and Dharmic religions (Buddhism, Hindu) is the reflection of historical worldview of Western and Eastern people (Rue, 2005).  Ã‚   These religions are united by faith in one God. For Christians, it is Jesus Christ, for Judaists, Abraham is One God, for Islamists, Muhammad is a prophet who is the messenger of God’s counsel.  Ã‚  There are three different Holy Books, these religions are followed: Bible for Christians, Torah for Judaists and Quran for Islamists. In contrast to Abrahamic religions, Buddhism and modern Hinduism are both post-Vedic religions (Rue, 2005). Gautama Buddha is the central Divine in Hinduism and Buddhism. There are constant arguing between Hindus and Buddhists. The latter underline that during the time of Buddha there was no such thing as Hinduism; the former do not intend to separate Hinduism from Buddhism.  Ã‚  The main intention for Buddhist and Hindus is to find out an internal harmony, to establish inner peaceful relation between a body and a soul. This religions propagate a self-breeding, a self-perfection: "We are the causes of our own suffering"; "Think about your life" etc (Rue 2005, p. 43). As far as we can see, the main emphasis in these religions is made not on God, but on individual’s work for self-perfection. Moreover, a central concept for both Hinduism and Buddhism is â€Å"Karma†. Nothing depends on a man; everything is predetermined. A man should be a peaceful, pacified creature, who is able to follow Divines leading him to enlightenment and bringing him closer to spiritual world of Divines. The main argum ents of Christianity differ from these