Thursday, May 14, 2020

My Understanding Of The Bible - 934 Words

My understanding of the bible is that it has changed over years. From floods, burning bushes, sea parting, Adam and eve, and god talking to men. The bible has changed the world s view, not every human being believes in the bible. They may see it in a secular point of view, and just think the bible is just made up stories. But others may see it as a guide, manual, the right way Christians but don t live a life of a Christian. This is really something that happens globally for example churches people tend to only want to be told the positive but not the negative, all things should be taught without sugarcoating it. This is called secular humanism, majority of Christians even myself is a secular humanist. Many people drink, smoke, and do ungodly things and when they are questioned about they refer it back to the bible by saying where in the bible does it say that? Which is true where does it say that? There are so many different sayings to the point to where people d on t believe in the bible. You re supposed to live. The Bible is a powerful book and touches many lives; a story from the bible I remember the most is Noah and the Ark. When god sent a flood to destroy the land and gave Noah a message to build an ark and put his family on it. Not many believes that story but i do, some believe the bible isn t real itself but there is proof. A lot of proof from archeologist was pottery, sculptures, and writings found. Not only that but the bibleShow MoreRelatedBiblical Themes Of The Bible1169 Words   |  5 PagesBiblical Themes The Bible has numerous themes that influence our lives greatly as believers. In this paper, I will be discussing the biblical themes of Creation, God, Humanity, Sin, The Good Life and Salvation. In order to have a Christian biblical worldview we need to understand what the bible teaches us about these themes. 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